Institute: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Research unit: INDI – Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics Research Group
Researchers: Quentin Deltenre, Arno Motté, Tim De Troyer, Mark Runacres
Research fields
The Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Research Group (FTRG) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel is renown for its expertise in computational fluid dynamics, numerical and experimental thermodyanics, and wind energy. Prof. Mark Runacres, who is the promotor of the Wintegrate project, heads the INDI-branch of FTRG. His main research interests are wind resource assessment and siting studies using numerical models (WRF, CFD) and experiments (field measurements, wind tunnel tests).
The FTRG-INDI group is recognised for its expert knowledge of the market of small and medium-sized wind turbines. It is regularly consulted to perform on wind measurements in rural and urban environments, and even on rooftops of high rises. The group recently completed a feasibility study (with a focus on wind
measurements) for the Brussels Capital Region. It is further involved in industrial contracted and research projects related to wind turbines.
Mark Runacres is associate professor in the Faculty of Engineering of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, since October 2014. Before that, he was assistant professor and then associate professor at the Erasmushogeschool Brussel. He teaches physics, mechanics of fluids, numerical methods and wind energy.
His research expertise is mainly in fluid dynamics, ranging from astrophysical flows to wind energy. His current research is focussed on wind resource assessment (especially for small and medium wind turbines) and flow control (especially regarding bluff body wakes and vortex-induced vibrations). He has
wide experience in industrial research for SMEs as well as larger companies.
He has numerous publications, but he also frequently presents his research to a broader audience. His work on urban wind energy has featured in most national newspapers on both sides of the linguistic divide, as well as on radio and television.