An overview of publications related to the research activities of the different projects can be found below.
Quick scroll to publications of B³-RetroTool | IRHiS | SHARC | LightComp | DynStra | RetroCo | Wintegrate | Innov-ETICS | AIM-ES | MESB | LCBuild
Contextualizing the Urban Metabolism of Brussels: Correlation of resource use with local factors.
Athanassiadis A. and Bouillard P., Sept 2013.
Proceedings of CISBAT 2013, International Conference, Cleantech for Smart Cities & Building from Nano to Urban Scale, 4-6 September 2013 EPFL-Lausanne.
Pre-assessment tool for the evaluation of optimal renewable energy integration strategies. Case study in the extension east of Brussels.
Galán González A., Stevanovic M., Acha Román C., and Bouillard P., Sept 2013.
Proceedings of CISBAT 2013, International Conference, Cleantech for Smart Cities & Building from Nano to Urban Scale, 4-6 September 2013 EPFL-Lausanne.
KEEPING THE HISTORICAL HERITAGE ALIVE: Methodology for the energy renovation of the historic residential stock of the east extension in Brussels.
Galán González A., Stevanovic M., Acha Román C., and Bouillard P., Sept 2013.
Proceedings of international Conference PLEA 2013, 10-12 September 2013 Munich.
Sustainable retrofit of the old part of dwellings stock in Brussels Capital Region
Trachte S., Evrard A., Galan A., Athanassiadis A., Stevanovic M.
PLEA 2014, International Conference, 16 to 18 December 2014 in Ahmedabad, India
Estimating the energy consumption of the residential building stock of Brussels Capital Region built before 1945
Athanassiadis A., Evrard A., Galan A., Trachte S., Bouillard P., de Herde A.
World Sustainable Building 2014 Conference, 28 to 30 October 2014 in Barcelona, Spain
OLD BUILDINGS, NEW CITIES: Energy renovation strategies for the historic residential stock of Brussels
Galán González A., Trachte S., Athanassiadis A., Evrard A., Bouillard P., Román A.
World Sustainable Building 2014 Conference 28 to 30 October 2014 in Barcelona, Spain
B³-RetroTool: Development of a multi-scale and multi-criteria pre-assessment tool for the sustainable retrofit of Brussels Capital Region
Trachte S., Galan A., Evrard A., Athanassiadis A.
Proceedings of the 2nd Interdisciplinary Symposium on Sustainable Development, 21-22 May 2015, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Preserving Brussels identity: Methodological principles for the retrofitting of City Blocks
Galan A., Deltenre Q., Athanassiadis A., Trachte S., Evrard A., Bouillard Ph.
Proceedings of international conference CISBAT 2015: Cleantech for Smart Cities & Building from Nano to Urban Scale, Lausanne, Switserland, 9-11 September 2015.
TCS Matrix: Evaluation of optimal energy retrofitting strategies
Galan A., Bouillard Ph., Consuelo Acha Roman, Trachte S., Evrard A.
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, SEB-15, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-3 July 2015.
Synthesis of the main barriers and success factors as regards the Wintegrate project
Deuse V., Meyer Sandrine
Research report IRHIS project in the Innoviris Brussels Retrofit XL platform
Synthesis of the main barriers and success factors as regards the Dynstra project
Meyer Sandrine
Research report IRHIS project in the Innoviris Brussels Retrofit XL platform
Synthesis of the main barriers and success factors as regards the LightComp project
Meyer Sandrine
Research report IRHIS project in the Innoviris Brussels Retrofit XL platform
Short overview of the retrofitting market in the Brussels residential buildings
Meyer Sandrine
Research report IRHIS project in the Innoviris Brussels Retrofit XL platform
Synthesis of the main barriers and success factors as regards the retrofitting market of residential buildings in Brussels
Meyer Sandrine, Holzemer L.
Research report IRHIS project in the Innoviris Brussels Retrofit XL platform
Development of autonomous self-healing coatings containing microcapsules with healing agents for corrosion protection of metals
Verbruggen H., Pletincx S., Kakaroglou A., Hauffman T., Vlček T., Shiba M., Terryn H., De Graeve I.
Electrochimica Acta
Multi-objective weight and cost optimisation of hybrid composite-concrete beams
De Munck M., De Sutter S., Verbruggen S., Tysmand T., Filomeno Coelho R.
18th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS18), Lisbon, Portugal, 15-18 June 2015.
Adaptation of the FIB bulletin 14 design guideline for externally bonded bending reinforcement made of a Textile Reinforced Cement composite
Verbruggen S., Tysmans T., Wastiels J., De Sutter S., Wozniak M.
18th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS18), Lisbon, Portugal, 15-18 June 2015.
Use of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and Acoustic Emission (AE) on fracture of hybrid composite-concrete beams
De Sutter S., Verbruggen S., Iliopoulos S, Aggelis D and Tysmans T.
Proceedings of the 6th Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing (ETNDT6), Brussels, Belgium, 27-29 May 2015.
Behaviour of hybrid composite-concrete beams under static flexural loading: a comparative experimental analysis
De Sutter S., Tysmans T., Verbruggen S. and Wozniak M.
3rd International Conference on Textile Reinforced Concrete (3rd ICTRC), Aachen, Germany, 7-10 June 2015.
Evaluation of the FIB Bulletin 14 design guideline for external TRC bending reinforcement
Verbruggen S., Wastiels J., Tysmans T., De Sutter S., Wozniak M.
3rd Internation Conference on Textile Reinforced Concrete (3rd ICTRC), Aachen, Germany, 7-10 June 2015.
Experimental bond behaviour between Textile Reinforced Cement and Concrete – Review of existing test methods and analysis of the results of a modified double-lap shear test
Wozniak M., Tysmans T., Vantomme J., De Sutter S.
International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures (ICCMATS), Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa, 24-26 November 2014.
Shape and size optimization of hybrid concrete-composite beams in a lightweight floor system
De Sutter S., Tysmans T., Verbruggen S. and Wozniak M.
3rd International RILEM Conference on Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC3), Dordrecht, Netherlands, 3-5 November 2014.
Numerical simulation of the bond behaviour of high-performance fibre-reinforced cement composites during the double-lap shear test
Wozniak M., Tysmans T., Vantomme J., De Sutter S.
3rd International RILEM COnference on Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC3), Dordrecht, Netherlands, 3-5 November 2014.
TRC or CFRP strengthening for reinforced concrete beams: an experimental study of the cracking behaviour
Verbruggen S., Tysmans T., Wastiels J.
Engineering structures, Vol. 77, October 2014.
Analytical modelling and experimental testing of hybrid composite-concrete beams in a lightweight floor system
De Sutter S., Tysmans T., Wozniak M.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, August 2014.
Development and experimental validation of a lightweight stay-in-place composite formwork for concrete beams.
De Sutter S, Remy O, Tysmans T and Wastiels J., July 2014.
Construction and building materials, Vol. 63, July 2014, pp. 33-39.
Bending of beams externally reinforced with TRC and CFRP monitored by DIC and AE
Verbruggen S., Aggelis D., Tysmans T., Wastiels J.
Composite Structures, Vol. 112, June 2014.
Design and structural feasibility study of a lightweight floor system for renovation.
De Sutter S., Remy O., and Tysmans T., August 2013.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on composite materials, Montreal, Canada, 28 July – 2 August 2013.
The environmental benefits of service life exension of buildings components with transformable design strategies
Paduart A., De Temmerman N., Vandenbroucke M.
XIII DMBC (XIII International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components), São Paulo, Brasil, 2-4 September 2014.
Towards a resource and waste efficient built environment: Opportunities for renovation of transformable buildings in Brussels
Paduart A., De Temmerman, N.
World Sustainable Building Conference – WSB14, Barcelona, Spain, 28-30 October 2014.
The development of architectural concrete in Belgium during the 1960s and 1970s.
Van de Voorde S.
Proceedings of the ‘Second International Conference on Structures and Architecture’, Guimarães, Portugal, 24-26 July 2013.
La culture constructive d’après-guerre à travers une analyse de revues spécialisées. Panorama des matériaux et techniques du logement bruxellois.
Van de Voorde S.
Actes du ‘Deuxième Congrès Francophone d’Histoire de la Construction’, Lyon, France, 29-31 January 2014.
Pour une historiographie de l’entrepreneur du bâtiment (1400-2000).
Bertels I., Deneweth H., Horemans B., and Van de Voorde S.
Actes du ‘Deuxième Congrès Francophone d’Histoire de la Construction’, Lyon, France, 29-31 January 2014.
The emergence of a new generation of building products in post-war Belgium. The case of lightweight concrete.
Van de Voorde S.
Proceedings of the First Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge, 11-12 April 2013, pp. 423 – 433.
Documentation and Conservation of Post-war housing in Brussels. Compiling a historical building manual and determining heritage characteritics
Van de Voorde S., Bertels I., Verdonck A., Wouters I.
Conference ‘Re-learning Modernism for the 21st Century. Preservation Technology & Practice’, DoCoMoMo, Wroclaw, Poland, 13-15 September 2013.
Young Architectural Heritage in Brussels. Policies, Problems and Propositions
Van de Voorde S., Bertels I., Verdonck A., Wouters I.
9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions
Thermal Insulation in Belgium before the first oil crisis (1945-1975). A question of economy and comfort?
Van de Voorde S.
Fifth International Congress on Construction History, Chicago, 3-7 June 2015, vol.3, pp. 517-524.
Post-war housing in Brussels (1945-1975). Heritage in danger?
Van de Voorde S., Bertels I., Wouters I.
In: Brussels Biennale of Modern Architecture. Living in Modern isms, Verswijver K. (ed.), Korei vzw, p. 38-39, 2014.
Documentation and Conservation of the Post-war housing stock in Brussels (1945-1975)
Van de Voorde S.
Jaarboek 2012-2013, Brussels: Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Vakgroep ARCH, June 2013.
Bertels I., Wouters I., Van de Voorde S. et al.
Jaarboek 2013-2014, Brussels: Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Vakgroep ARCH, June 2014.
Bertels I., Wouters I., Van de Voorde S. et al.
Jaarboek 2014-2015, Brussels: Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Vakgroep ARCH, June 2015.
Recensie: Historic Concrete door Herdis Heinemann
Van de Voorde S.
in: Bulletin KNOB
Wind prediction in urban environments.
Vermeir J., Motté A., Dominguez Fernandez D., Runacres M.C. and De Troyer T.
Proceedings of the EWEA Annual Event, Barcelona, 10-13 March 2014.
Techniques de rénovation énergétiques des murs / Technieken voor de energetische renovatie van muren
Grégoire Y., Tilmans A., Wijnants J.
Buildwise Magazine n° 49 (1-2016), Février 2016
ETICS avec revêtements durs / ETICS met harde bekledingen
Grégoire Y., Dirkx I. and Mertens S.
Buildwise Magazine nr. 48 (4-2015)
incl. full paper online (version FR / NL versie)
Peintures pour ETICS / Verven voor ETICS.
Cailleux E. and Dirkx I.
Buildwise Magazine nr. 38 (2-2013), April 2013.
incl. full paper online, August 2013.
Revêtements innovants pour ETICS / Innovatieve coatings voor ETICS
Cailleux E., Dirkx I.
Technology watch website (, December 2013.
Buitenisolatie bouwfysich meest voordelige isolatie. Aandachtspunten bij de uitvoering van bepleisteringen (ETICS) en harde bekledingen op isolatie
Dirkx I., Grégoire Y.
Vakblad Aannemer, Augustus 2013.
Enduits extérieurs sur isolant: nouveaux points d’attention! / Nieuwe aandachtspunten voor ETICS
Buildwise Magazine nr. 41 (1-2014), January 2014.
ETICS sur ossature en bois / ETICS op houtskeletbouw
Grégoire Y., Mertens S., Michaux B.
Buildwise Magazine nr. 44 (4-2014), December 2014.
incl. full paper online (version FR / NL versie), May 2015.
Mousses-colles PU pour ETICS / PU lijmschuim voor ETICS
Grégoire Y.
Technology Watch website (, April 2015.
Innovatieve bevestigings- en montage-elementen voor ETICS / Éléments de fixation et de montage innovatifs pour ETICS
Mertens S.
Technology Watch website (, May 2015.
Impact environnemental des briquettes sur isolant / Milieu-impact van steenstrips op buitenisolatie
Wastiels L., Janssen A., Grégoire Y.
Buildwise Magazine nr. 47 (3-2015), September 2015.
Presentations / Seminars
Pose des ETICS – Cours d’hiver 2016
Plaatsing van ETICS – Wintercursus 2016
Matériaux d’isolation et ETICS – 04.06.2015
Journée d’étude: Les ETICS et leurs évolutions – 09.12.2014
Studiedag: ETICS en hun evoluties – 09.12.2014
Experience-based guidelines for Architectural Industrialized Multifunctional Envelope Systems (AIM-ES)
Dubois S., de Bouw M.
Proceedings of Advanced Building Skins Conference, Graz, AU, 23-24 April 2015.
The technique of architectural industrialized multifunctional envelope systems (AIM-ES) reviewed.
Dubois S., de Bouw M.
Proceedings of Ökosan Conference 2015, Graz, AU, 17-19 June 2015.
Micro energy Storage in Buildings
Silva G., Hendrick P.
IERE-GDF Suez Energy@Home Brussels workshop, June 2014.
Pumped Hydro energy storage in buildings
Silva G., Hendrick P.
Poster at 8th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, November 2013 .
Social Life Cycle Assessment applied to housing retrofit: a case study in Brussels-Capital Region
Touceda M., Richard A., Degrez M.
SETAC Europe 24th annual meeting, 11-15 May 2014.
Optimizing public instruments for boosting sustainable retrofitting: a methodology development
Touceda M., Richard A., Neila J., Degrez M.
1st International Congress on research in Construction and Architectural Technologies Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 11-13 June 2014.
Methodology proposal for the socio-economic Life Cycle Assessment applied to retrofitting in a local context
Touceda M., Richard A., Neila J., Degrez M.
World Sustainable Building Conference – WSB14, Barcelona, Spain, 28-30 October 2014.
Implementation of socioeconomic criteria for the life cycle sustainability assessment of housing retrofit
Touceda M., Richard A., Neila J., Degrez M.
4th International seminar in social LCA, 20-21 November 2014.
Impact environnemental des briquettes sur isolant / Milieu-impact van steenstrips op buitenisolatie
Wastiels L., Janssen A., Grégoire Y.
Buildwise Magazine nr. 47 (3-2015), September 2015.